How Long Will It Take to Receive Dental Implants After Having a Tooth Removed?
June 15, 2021
Learning you need to have a tooth removed can be an unwelcomed reality. Going through the procedure only to have a gap left in your smile is never something you want to endure. Fortunately, there are many great replacement options your dentist can discuss with you throughout the process, one of which is permanent prosthetics. But how long will you need to wait to receive dental implants after a tooth extraction? Read on to learn more about the different scenarios you might face when it comes to restoring your smile.
(more…)Don’t Let All of the Sugar-Themed March Holidays Ruin Your Teeth!
March 2, 2021
When you think of important days in March, you probably think about St. Patrick’s Day and the spring equinox. However, March has many more holidays than you might have realized. Several of them have a sugary theme, such as National Banana Cream Pie Day, National Oreo Cookie Day, and National Flapjack Day. These days sure are fun to celebrate, but all of that sugar can’t be good for your teeth, right? Read on as a dentist in Mt. Dora reveals exactly how sugar impacts your teeth and how you can celebrate these March holidays without damaging your smile.
(more…)Are In-Network or Out-of-Network Dentists Better?
November 30, 2020
Do you know what it means to choose a dentist that’s in-network or out-of-network? When it comes to choosing a high-quality dentist in Mt. Dora, these are important terms to know when it comes to understanding your HMO or PPO dental insurance plan. Read below to learn the difference between visiting a dentist who’s in or out-of-network and how these factors will affect the caliber of dentistry that you receive.
(more…)Summer Is the Perfect Time to Improve Your Smile with Veneers!
August 25, 2020
If there were ever a time of year in which it’s ideal to have a radiantly beautiful smile, it’s summer. This summer in particular is markedly different from those in past years. Many of us are beginning to come out of quarantine for the first time in several months to head back to school or work. You’re going to want to look your best when you greet people you haven’t seen in a while. This can be difficult if you have stains, gaps, or chips in your teeth that make you feel self-conscious. If that’s the case, you might benefit from a dental treatment known as veneers. Keep reading to learn all about veneers in Mt. Dora and why summer is the perfect time to get them.
(more…)6 Ways Your Dentist Prepares for Your Visit in COVID-19
May 18, 2020
Have you developed a cavity from mindless snacking or chipped a tooth from anxiously chewing on your fingernails during quarantine? There are a variety of reasons you may be searching for a “dentist near me” when social distancing orders are lifted. To keep you safe from the coronavirus while providing the dental treatment you need, a lot goes into getting ready for your visit. Here’s how your Mt. Dora dentist and their dental team prepare for your appointment during COVID-19.